Why should we Invest In Agriculture?
The variety and diversity in the agriculture sector in India have made it an attractive option for a lot of entrepreneurs. If you’re looking to get into the framing industry, now is the time. Investing in land in India can be profitable. But land comes in different shapes, sizes and forms. Farmland or agricultural land is one type that is regularly overlooked. Agriculture is all the processes involved in the production of food, fibre, feed and other needed products by the growing of different crops and the raising of livestock, i.e. the domesticated animals. In order to practice agriculture suitable land is needed. Without this, animals cannot be raised and plants/crops cannot be grown in enough quantities. Since life is so dependent on agriculture, as the global population increases so too will the demand for good agricultural land. Farmland investment offers three key benefits — income generation, land price appreciation, and diversification due to its low correlation wit...